The courses are 5 months long and range from 6 to 25 hours per week:

  • In courses of 25 hours a week, three levels are taught (for eg: level A, A + and B).
  • In courses of 16 hours a week, two levels are taught (for eg: level A, A +).
  • In courses of 6 hours per week, only one level is taught.
  • Introduces the verb system and focuses on the present tense. 
  • Basic Hebrew learning from the first word.
  • Acquiring basic Hebrew communication skills for effective daily functioning, and practicing Hebrew online.
  • Acquiring basic knowledge about current events, Jewish holidays and Israel.
  • Focuses on the past tense of verbs, in the active form.
  • Development of Hebrew skills in all language areas.
  • Increasing knowledge about current events, Jewish holidays and Israel.
  • Focuses on the future tense of verbs, in the active form.
  • Expanding all communication skills for improved functioning in all linguistic areas.
  • Improving communication and linguistic abilities.
  • Expanding knowledge about current events, Judaism, Israel, literature and the bible.
  • Improving communication and linguistic abilities.
  • Improving and expanding grammatical knowledge.
  • Expanding the vocabulary needed to work effectively in Hebrew.
  • Enhancing the linguistic proficiency to prepare for university studies in language-intensive disciplines.
  • Studying broad cultural issues and current issues in Israeli society.